Repair Works Started on “Gemidzii” Bridge in Veles

In Veles, reconstruction has begun of the bridge “Gemidzii” that is a part of the main city’s thoroughfare.

The bridge is 172 meters long and 11.3 meters wide, while the carriageway is 7 meters wide. It was built back in 1960, and in the last 53 years, due to the dynamic loads, mechanical impacts, weather conditions, and inappropriately placed installations, it suffered visible damages to the concrete surfaces, the carriageway and the sidewalks.

“First, the asphalt layer on the carriageway and the sidewalks will be scraped, the carriageway will be repaired, drains will be replaced, hydro isolation will be installed, and expansion joints will be replaced. Then the bridge fence will be repaired, the damaged protective armature layer will be removed from the main beams, additional armature will be added, and repaired protective plaster layer will be placed. The activities will be finished with the strengthening of the end piers,” said Ljupco Georgievski, Director of the PE for State Roads.

“I believe that, considering how the bridge will be reconstructed, the citizens of Veles will have no problems whatsoever with the communication,” stated Slavco Cadiev, the Mayor of Veles Municipality. “This is one of the most expensive infrastructural projects that will be realized in Veles in this period, with funds of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia, and in coordination with the local self-government”, stated Ilija Dimovski, Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia.

The reconstruction of the Bridge “Gemidzii”, which should be completed by the end of the year, will be a 33 million denars investment.

Open call for participation in public consultation on documents concerning environmental protection and social aspects of the implementation of the “Rehabilitation of state road A3, section Resen – Bukovo” project

The Public Enterprise for State Roads herewith announces its plan to realize the Project on “Rehabilitation of the State Road A3 (old road numbering M-5), section Resen – Bukovo”, in length of about 10.5 km. The project is anticipated to be financed with World Bank funds, hence, as per its requirements in the field of environment protection and social aspects, public consultations will be held in the early stage of technical documents preparation with the interested parties and local population about the following documents:

The above listed documents are available for inspection at the premises of the Public Enterprise for State Roads and of the Municipality of Resen, as well as on the following websites: and

The public consultations on the above stated documents for the above cited project will be held on 6th March, 2014 (Thursday) at 14:00 hrs, at the Assembly Room of Resen Municipality.

Any remarks and/or comments concerning the documents can be made at the presentation itself and/or in written no later than 7th March, 2014, on the following address:
Public Enterprise for State Roads of Republic of Macedonia
Address: Dame Gruev Str., No. 14, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Contact persons:
Public Enterprise for State Roads
Saska Bogdanova – Ajceva
Tel: 02/3118 044 ext. 135, E-mail:
Municipality of Resen
Mr. Toni Jovanovski
Tel: 072 271 838, E-mail: