Acts that result from the Law on Public Roads and regulate and elaborate certain provisions of the Public Roads Law referring to the construction, maintenance, protection, toll collection, public roads management, and to the establishing of the PE for State Roads.
- Rulebook on the method of public roads protection
- Rulebook on the method, procedure, and conditions under which the PESR issues approvals for state road construction to another investor (employer)
- Rulebook on the measures for public roads maintenance, method and timeframes of the measures, and on the type and method of performing activities for routine, winter, and periodical maintenance, and emergency works on public roads
- Regulation on determining criteria for categorization of public roads and their markings
- Rulebook on the method of public roads identification with adequate reference system and chainage
- Rulebook on the criteria for defining the streets inside settlements to be considered parts of state roads and their maintenance
- Rulebook on technical elements for construction and reconstruction of public roads and on-road facilities
- Rulebook on technical requirements for the systems, components, independent technical units, equipment, dimensions and total masses, and axle load of vehicles
- The decision on the amount and method of collection of the fee for road use (toll), published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia" no. 118 of 11.06.2019
- Amendment to the Decision on the amount and method of payment of the fee for public roads use by the motor and trailer vehicles (road fees) (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 103/14 of 10.07.2014
- Decision on the amount and method of payment of the fee for public roads use by the motor and trailer vehicles (road fees) (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 118/09 of 28.09.2009)
- Decision on the amount and method of charging the special fee for public roads use (toll) (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 89/09 of 20.07.2009)
- Decision on the amounts charged for placing signboards and billboards in a state road reserve, connection of an access road to a state road, placing installations at the roadbase and roadside of a state road, construction and use of commercial facilities to which access is permitted for a public road outside a settlement, for special transport and for damages on a state road and road facilities (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 139/2008)
- Decision on Establishing a Public Enterprise for State Roads, no. 41-10147/1 of 20.12.2012, published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 1/13 of 02.01.2013
- Decision on state roads categorization (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no.133/2011)
- Amendments to the Decision on state roads categorization (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 150/2011)