The procedure for using the right to exemption from payment for the special fee for motorway use (toll) in the Republic of Macedonia for vehicles of persons who, as per the Article 66, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Law on Public Roads, are exempt from toll payment, is described below.

The persons referred to above shall possess membership cards issued by the Association(s) they are members of. The Association membership card, the documented proof(s) of disability, as specified by the Law, and a registration certificate of the vehicle used through the Association shall be submitted to the Public Enterprise for State Roads. Upon reviewing the documents submitted, if the application is approved, the membership card shall be signed and sealed by the Public Enterprise for State Roads as a confirmation of the person’s right to exemption from toll payment. The Association(s) shall be notified in written about the approval, as well. At the toll stations, the person shall present the membership card on which the registration plate number of the exempted vehicle is printed.


Contact Person: Zoran Velkov
tel.: 02 3228 454; 02 3118 044,  ext. 13

Contact Person: Ljupco Dimovski
tel.: 02 3228 454; 02 3118 044, ext. 242
