The PESR is responsible for the following activities:
- State roads management;
- Proposing a five-year program for state roads development and maintenance;
- Constant monitoring and control of the situation on state roads;
- Implementing measures for rational use of funds allocated for state roads;
- Performing investment activities in the domain of state roads;
- Collecting fees charged for the public roads use, determined with the Law on Public Roads;
- Borrowing from domestic and foreign financial institutions;
- Organizing development of studies and designs for construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, maintenance, and protection of state roads, as well as toll collection, with a right to contract them out to physical or legal entities in accordance with the Law;
- Contracting out the works for construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, maintenance, and protection of state roads, as well as toll collection, to legal entities, in accordance with the Law;
- Proposing decisions for initiating procedures for managing a state road by a concession and/or public-private partnership;
- Issuing approvals and permits, and giving opinions as per the Law on Public Roads;
- Organizing activities related to counting traffic, state roads protection, state roads cadastre, and creation of the necessary data bases;
- Implementing and using a Pavement Management System (PMS) and Bridge Management System (BMS); and
- Supporting the construction of roads other than state roads, based on liabilities stemming from Laws.