The Public Enterprise for State Roads has been participating in the implementation of the government’s policies for improving traffic safety by implementing projects for lighting the state roads, and has been diligently working since last year on illumination of motorways, national roads, and junctions near the cities and other settlements throughout the country.
Last year, total of 20.5 km of motorways, national roads, intersections and tunnels were lighted, for total value of 2.4 million Euros. Since early 2014 until now, about 9 km of roads have been illuminated with the installation of 224 street lamps in total, about 31 million denars worth.
Director of the Public Enterprise for State Roads Mr. Ljupco Georgievski todayput into operation the lighting from the toll station Gostivar to the city of Gostivar. The lighting is made of 17 street lamps (12 meters tall) on about one kilometer road length, and of 3.22 million denars investment. For the purpose of saving electric energy, i.e. reducing environmental footprint, dimming lamps were installed that automatically reduce input voltage and light output depending on the daylight.
Earlier this year, junctions were lighted at the city entrances of Prilep, the junction Tetovo – South on “Mother Theresa” Motorway, the intersection before Stip, as well as the junction before Vevcani.