Vevcani Entrance Intersection Illuminated

The lighting of the intersection at the entrance to Vevcani was completed today. The lighting is installed along 350 meters and includes nine 10-meters tall street lamps, a total investment of 1.5 million denars.

PHOTO: Courtesy of MIA

“The Public Enterprise for State Roads continues to implement the governmental policies for increasing traffic safety by lighting junctions and entrances to settlements. Since the beginning of 2014, entrances have been illuminated of the cities of Stip and Prilep, as well as the entrance of Vevcani today, and we shall continue with the same dynamic to illuminate the entrances of Skopje, Kumanovo, Gostivar”, said Mr. Georgievski, the Director of the Public Enterprise for State Roads.

Vevcani Mayor, Mr. Ljupco Ugrinoski, considers the lighting of the intersection greatly important not only for the Municipality of Vevcani, but also for Drimkol region with a total population of 25000.

Within the framework of the project for lighting the junctions and the entrances of larger cities, the Public Enterprise for State Roads will install 197 street lamps on a total length of 8.6 km this year, for which 31 million denars shall be invested.

New lighting and sidewalk put into operation in Batinci

The Public Enterprise for State Roads installed new lighting along 2.2 kilometers of road and constructed a sidewalk in the village of Batinci.
Seventy-nine (79) street lamps now illuminate the section from 500 meters of the petrol station in Batinciin the direction of Markov Monastery. In addition, new road signage was installed in total length of 10 kilometers. This 30 million denars investment was financed with World Bank loan funds.

PHOTO: Courtesy of MIA

The official opening was attended by the Director of the Public Enterprise for State Roads Mr. Ljupco Georgievski, the Mayor of Skopje Mr. Koce Trajanovski, and Mayors of the Municipalities of Kisela Voda, Ms. Biljana Belicanec – Aleksik, and of Batinci Mr. Azem Sadiku.